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1) Click to download a free trial of AutoCAD
2) Get your copy of SofTutor below.
3) Install AutoCAD
4) Install SofTutor
5) Run AutoCAD
6) Run SofTutor, resize it, follow-along and learn-by-doing.
If possible focus on learning for the next 3 days then apply what you learned to what you want to create. Hopefully you'll be like Smitty and unlock your creativity in less than 2 days. If it takes you more time to learn don't you can always buy more time with SofTutor.
Smitty Smith learned AutoCAD 3D with SofTutor in 3 Days!He nearly doubled his business in less than a year after learning 3D.
Why AutoCAD users love SofTutor:
1. Learn by doing
a. Reduces time to learn by 50% or more
b. Increases retention
2. Quick Search Tool
a. Easily find how to perform a task without having to
watch the entire lesson
Since 1994, SofTutor products have been used by over 1,400 companies, over 200 schools and government agencies from over 34 countries. With optional authoring tools SofTutor can be used to train and support users on any software, application or website. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. SofTutor is a registered trademark of New Vision Software, Inc.